Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Making business sense out of GenNext portrait

A new generation has come of age, shaped by unprecedented revolution in technology and dramatic events both home and abroad. They are the Generation Next, the cohort of young adults who have grown up with personal computers, cell phones and the internet, and are now taking their world where the only constant is rapid change.

Meet Generation Next: They use technology and the internet to connect with people in a new and distinctive way. The “look at me” generation, using Friendster, Facebook, MySpace, & Multiply as platforms for these individuals to post personal profile complete with photos, descriptions of interests and hobbies. Surely, SunMicrosystems is placing its faith in Filipinos who will be the next in line to develop similar concept (PDI Jun 2007).

Though most of their parents are not pleased by what these young adults do, about half of GenNexters have either gotten a tattoo, dyed their hair with untraditional colors, or have body piercing in a place other than their ear lobes. This event makes them viable market for businesses related to body arts and expression.

GenNexters are also more tolerant about traditional social issues such as women’s rights, discrimination and same sex marriage. It will be no wonder if exclusive clubs, businesses catering to special class or minority groups will become a thing in the succeeding years.

But beyond social issues, this generation is less critical about the government regulations. We may already be seeing the pieces of evidence of this survey as witnessed during consecutive staging of failed people power. They prefer to voice out their opinion the ‘on-line way’ refusing to leave the convenience of their homes.

Their heroes are close and familiar. It is either a family member, a teacher, a community leader or a mentor. Roughly they show admiration to a political leader. They show more respect to an entertainer or a sportsman.

GenNexters are comfortable with globalization and new ways of doing work. They favor automation, outsourcing of jobs and migration to other countries.

Asked about their life goals, most GenNexters in their age group say their generation’s top goals are ‘fortune and fame’.

Filipino GenNexters are unanimous in saying that it is mortal sin to become employee in the country. If one wants to step into the career ladder, he has to do it outside of the country. The only way to achieve the goal of becoming rich in the Philippines is to build one’s own business. (S)

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